Our testing center is equipped with a Tesa Micro-Hite 3D machine . the machinery is totally automatic it performs probing of all components produced before delivery to the customer. Equipped with a scanning system, we can reconstruct through reverse-engineering, mathematics of complex details.
TESA Micro-Hite 3D
Corse di misura (X/Y/Z): Â 460 x 510 x 420 mm
Precisione:  Ripetibilità limite 3 μm
Incertezze di misura (L=m): Â U1 (0,003 + 3L/1000) mm
Incertezze di misura (L=m): Â U3 (0,003 + 4L/1000) mm
Risoluzione dell’indicazione: Â 0,001 mm